Monday, March 26, 2007


Hm...well, since I have to get up at 10 a.m. tomorrow, I don't know WHY I am up now. Unfortunately, I went out tonight even though I have to get up tomorrow and go to class, as well as do my stupid internship at the school. Great idea. The good thing is I have off soon for my spring break from JCC so that will be a welcome break from everything. I did have fun tonight, only problem is getting up tomorrow! Gr...Does anyone even read this thing, or am I writing it for myself?

Monday, March 12, 2007


Well, I gained today at WW. It's garbage. And I know what the problem is. I don't exercise or watch my portion sizes! I want to lose at least 40 pounds for the wedding I have to go to this summer!!! I had to go to three weddings last summer and the pictures of me were not so flattering as a fat girl. That needs to stop. I only gained 0.2 pounds, obviously not a big deal, but I don't like setbacks this early in the game!! Tomorrow, I'm taking it up a notch!


Ah...I have to start my 20 hour "internship" at school four today. And I am nervous. At least I don't have to go far. Kids scare me. I have no idea why I decided to do one at an elementary school first!!! Gr...

Saturday, March 10, 2007


I hate working. It's so nice to be back in school and only have to work 2 days a week for awhile. Of course, I know it can't last, but it's so nice for now...Until today rolls around and I DO have to go to work. The hardest thing about being on a diet is working in a restaurant and seeing all the food, all day long. Gr...

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Getting serious now...

Not really serious, just serious about the exercise. For some absolutely bizarre reason, I was awake this morning at 7:30 a.m. Why???? I don't have class until 11:30 (if I choose to go, which I just may not, it's damn freezing out!!!) and I don't go to the gym in the morning. But, here I was at 8 a.m. trekking to the gym. I figured, what the hell, I might as well go while I'm up, before I have the whole day to formulate an excuse for not going. I sent a thread on asking if anyone ran, and if they did, how they started doing it and I got a bunch of replies back telling me to go to the coolrunning website, so I did, and signed up for their couch to 5K program. It's supposed to get you running three miles in 9 ish weeks. I went today for my first workout. Holy hell. I am so out of shape it's not even funny. Ever since Sunday when I went to the batting cages with my boyfriend, my back feels like it wants to snap in half. While I know that being sore is good (not pain sore, just sore)it's a bitch to get through. But, I really want to run. It seems like people that run definitely have better bodies, and I want a better body so...Seems obvious right? I weighed in yesterday at WW and I lost 5.2 pounds! Yay me! I tend to do very well on WW because I don't like the idea of someone telling me that I gained weight, so I really pay attention to my diet. I do know that it happens on WW sometimes. I just need to figure out WHY I stop going to the Weight ins. I do so well, but then one day, I just decide, I'm not going to go this week, I'll go next week, and before I know it, it's 4 weeks later and I've gained some weight and I don't wanna go weigh in now and everything spirals out of control. I need to nip that in the bud NOW. Any suggestions??

Monday, March 5, 2007


Well, today is my weigh in day and I have to go at 1:30. Unfortunately, I have it in my head that if I eat something, I will weigh more. Actually, this is true. I weigh myself obsessively some days (I know it's not good, I'm working on it). If I don't eat anything, I will remain lighter. Once I eat something, I gain some weight. While I know it is water weight, I don't want that water weight to show up on the scale at WW. So, here I sit, hungry, hungry, hungry. I am looking forward to my splurge today. My friend Sarah and I usually go out to eat on one of her days off and today is the day and I'm excited. I love chicken fingers, wings, etc, in medium sauce with ranch, so that is what I am getting for lunch. And, probably other stuff, because I can. Some people view this as defeating the purpose of a diet, but unfortunately, I do not yet have the willpower to deny myself all junk food. If I limit it to one day a week, it doesn't throw me off track, since I start over again tomorrow, and I tend to get it out of my system. Besides, I can bore everyone with my writing :-) I measured myself last week when I started WW and I figured I might as well post my measurements on here and then in about a month I'll check them again and see if I have lost any inches.

Waist 32
Hips 42
Right Thigh 25

I did not measure my bust, because that is not what I am worried about. Unfortunately, I am one of those people who, as soon as they start losing significant amounts of weight, begins to resemble a flat chested boy. Lovely. Oh well. A small price to pay for being skinny. More later when I find out how much I lost.

Food Network

Even though I just posted on here, I thought of something else. I love the food network. Why do I punish myself? There is always something interesting on and unfortunately, I love useless facts about stuff, no matter what it is. I am starving right now, I can't sleep, and here I sit, on the internet, watching the Food Network. Man, I'm a glutton for punishment. I think the whole idea that I love about a blog is writing about everything that happens in my life. As a child, I always had a diary and I like to write in general. That is, I like to write if I have something to write about. I am currently a college student and Im debating on which subject I want to major in for an education degree. I love history and english, but I'm not sure what it is about English that I love. I love to read, obviously, if you've seen my book list, but I hate the technical MLA crap that you have to learn to prevent plagairism. Gr...but, then I love history so it's a toss up. Well, I certainly have enough time to worry about it. I recently went back to school and I basically have to start over at the beginning. OK, now I'm going to attempt to write a paper, even though it is 1:38 a.m.

Hello Readers!

Hello everyone. While I am not sure how many people will read this, I am hoping that blogging will keep me accountable to my diet. I recently started Weight Watchers for...oh, about the 7th time, I think. It has worked well for me in the past, but for some reason or another, I have always stopped short of my goal. I weighed in at 173 last week and I am hoping to lose about 43 lbs. My dream weight is actually 125, but I am optimistic enough to realize that I may not get down that far. I hope to improve my health with exercise and healthier eating. Main problem: I LOVE junk food. I love it. It's so awful, but even though I grew up with a mother who made sure I had veggies and healthy stuff for dinner, I always begged for the bad stuff. I love Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and can, sadly enough, finish an entire pint in one sitting. No more of that. What I usually do, is eat according to my points during the week, Tuesday through Monday and then after I get weighed, I use that as a splurge day. It gives me something to look forward to, and eventually, I don't even crave too terrible of food, the longer I am on the diet. What I really need to do, is get my booty into the gym!!! Only problem is, I hate the gym. I love to play sports, but unfortunately, my area is kind of limited in terms of women's recreational sports, aside from college sports and high school sports. There are a million men's teams in the area, but not so many for women. I'll be back tomorrow with my weigh in information!!!